
Job offers

14/05/2024 - We are hiring! Please see the two job descriptions below.

Avrio Medtech desire laureate

28/03/2024 - A DESIRE laureate and an emerging French start-up, Avrio MedTech aims to offer hope for a better quality of life for patients touched by drug-resistant epilepsy - a debilitating disease and the third most common neurological disorder in the world (

Avrio Medtech at the ethics in neurotechnology conference

23/03/2024 - Proud to have signed the ethics charter on neurotechnology, which perfectly aligns with our aim to support a safe, reasonnable and ethic use of neurotechologies (look for Karine, sitting on the first chair).

avrio medtech at wired 2024

13/03/2024 - We were delighted to spend time in Paris at the great Wired conference focusing on micro-macro recordings. We displayed the new beta v3 version of Halyzia. Out soon! Check our website.

Avrio Medtech at the AES 2023

30/11/2023 - Avrio had their first booth at the 2023 American Epilepsy Society conference in Orlando. A great conference, lots of discussions with clinicians and other companies, and a warm welcome.

Avrio Medtech at the 2023 french epilepsy conference

10/10/2023 - Avrio MedTech and Karine Seymour were at the French Epilepsy conference in Saint-Malo, France. A great moment for our first encounter with the French epilepsy community!

avrio medtech founded

01/09/2023 - Avrio MedTech finally founded after more than 5 years of research and development of Halyzia, our fast-ripple detection solution! What a great new adventure. We hope to help clinicians to identify the epileptogenic zone with more confidence and accuracy.